Board of Directors:

Christie Dittmer  

Christie has served at NorthBay Christian Academy since helping co-found the school in 1999. Christie has two bachelor’s degrees from the University of South Florida. She and her husband have enjoyed active involvement in their home church, including service with middle- and high-school students and leading adult classes.  They have three children, all educated at NorthBay. Christie enjoys reading, dancing, and music and strives to live by I Peter 4:11.

Robbin Isham – Head of School

The Head of School directs the development and implementation of NorthBay’s academic program.  This includes providing management and support for NCA’s teachers and member families as well as the development, implementation, and evaluation of NorthBay’s academic program.

Robbin helped co-found NorthBay Christian Academy and has served as the education director since 1999. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas. Robbin and her husband Philip love serving in their church, and they strongly desire to see the gospel of Jesus Christ shared locally and globally.  Robbin and Philip have two daughters, both educated at NCA. In her spare time, Robbin enjoys spending time with family, walking, biking, reading, and going to the beach. One of her favorite verses is Philippians 2:5-7.

Philip Isham – Financial Director

The Accounting director handles deposits, reimbursements, insurance, and taxes.



  • Office Administrator, Ramita Buckley

Ramita graduated from Clearwater Christian College and has loved working in the field of Christian education since 1979.  Ramita and her husband, Bill, are members of Clearwater Community Church.  They have raised a daughter and a nephew and now are blessed with six grandchildren. When not with the grandchildren, Ramita enjoys raising orchids, going to the beach, walking, and reading.  Her life verse is Philippians 4:8.

  • Katie Gordon – Enrollment Director

Katie loves welcoming new families to NorthBay as the Admissions Director. All four of her children attend NorthBay, and she’ll tell anyone who will listen why it’s the best school ever! One of her greatest joys has been homeschooling her kids for over ten years through NorthBay. She graduated from Florida State University with her bachelor’s degree. However, she lives in a house divided with the majority siding with her husband, Joey, and cheering for the Gators. She enjoys making people laugh, snuggling with her kids, date nights with her husband, and serving the Lord wherever He sends her. Her family attends church at Calvary’s Clearwater campus, and she loves John 3:17


  • Preschool and Elementary Director and Scholarship Program Director, Mara Shelton

Mara Shelton has served as a teacher of several grades and subjects at Northbay Christian Academy since 2003.  Her teaching degree is from Milligan College in Johnson City, TN.  She taught in Orlando and North Carolina before moving to Oldsmar in 2003.  Her husband, Tommy Shelton, is the pastor of Live Oaks Bible Church in Palm Harbor. They have six children – some former, some current, and some future NorthBay students. Mara enjoys reading, watching movies, doing crafts with her children, and having date nights with her husband.  She is thrilled to be part of the Northbay community and has a deep desire for young children to grow academically, but more importantly, to see them grow in the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ.

  • Community Life & I.T. Operations Director, Kristin Martin

Kristin has served at NorthBay since 2019. As community life director Kristin provides leadership and oversight for NorthBay’s school committees, including fundraising, chapel, school socials, and room moms/dads. Kristin graduated from the University of North Texas with a bachelor’s degree in arts and sciences. She and her husband have two children who have attended NorthBay Christian Academy since preschool. Kristin enjoys reading, fishing, and hiking. Her favorite Bible verse is Ephesians 2:10.

  • Financial Administrator, SGA Advisor, Joanne Tittle

Joanne was born and raised in Pennsylvania, moving to Florida in 1988 with her husband of 35 years, and has three French bulldogs who call Dunedin their home.  Prior to working for NorthBay, Joanne worked as a cardiac nurse. The Tittle family has been a part of the NorthBay community since 2004 when Matthew began 6th grade and Madi began Pre-K. Joanne has been teaching middle school Bible at NCA for the past four years, as well as, being the first-grade teacher assistant for the past thirteen years. In addition to her roles at NorthBay, Joanne has been leading and teaching Women in the Word Ministry for the past nineteen years. Joanne also disciples middle school and high school girls at Live Oaks Bible Church.


  • Enrichment Faculty Administrator, Jenna Walker


  • Enrichment Educational Faculty Administrator Assistant, Megan Olsen


  •  Enrichment Office Administrator, Sharon Karn



NCA Board of Directors

Christie Dittmer

Philip Isham

Robbin Isham

Joanne Tittle

Ramita Buckley